The latest intel from around the triple W and from around your back yard. A collaborative news service where we actually admit that we filter and hand pick what we want you to read, from the concerned folks at Buckeye Sustainability Institute
NOTE: This News section may contain portions of copyrighted material. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, such attributed material is available without profit to people expressing an interest in this information for research.
Consumption of organic and ethical products on the rise
Full Text available : Drinks Business Review - USA
BSI note: Sammy Smiths has been churning out organic beers in the UK for a while now. This just in, our inside sources in the macrobrewing industry tell us that the country's largest American owned brewer may be positioning itself to launch an organic product in the future as well. I for one cant wait to see the commercials.
While it may be perplexing for some to see the big boys even thinking about brining eco_logical products to the market, consider the tipping point well off in the future and how benificial corporate america err responsable corporate america could be.
I'll drink to that. Now if our local "eco" brewer would even consider an organic product... that would be bOOoooOOmbastic~
Friends of Coal & Toyota Off Road Team Up?

This image was spotted while traveling recently in southern indiana. 2004 Toyota SR5. prolly 14mpg ay? sends us your favorite gas guzzler shots. We may do something with em.
Wait folks, the fun doesnet just stop with the picture.. oo no :
First, one simply must visit the "Friends of Coal's website
Once you get to know em, you really must party with them!
Sustainability Business Worth $ Trillions
Press Release - United Nations Environment Programme
A powerful alignment of legal, financial, and investment interests will see USD trillions directed in the next decade to evolving markets linked to climate change, clean technology and sustainable use of natural resources, a report being prepared for the United Nations predicts.
"The Working Capital Report", to be published for the first time in March 2006 by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, is the culmination of a series of landmark studies undertaken during 2004-5.
This series of UN-backed studies explores the role of financial service companies and capital markets, and the legal context in which they operate, as they capitalise on new opportunities linked to the concept of sustainable development and more effective management of associated risks.
"There is no question that 2005 will be seen as the watershed when the mainstream banking, insurance and investment worlds realised the scale of the commercial opportunities unfolding in the new carbon, clean-tech and sustainable natural resource markets and, also, the legal risks of not being a leader in this area," explained Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Full Text available by clicking here!
SC Johnson, EPA Partner to Design Eco-Products for the Home, 30 November 2005 - SC Johnson has entered into a voluntary partnership with The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the agency's Design for the Environment (DfE) Program.
SC Johnson is the first major consumer packaged goods company to partner with EPA on the program, which promotes innovative chemical products, technologies, and practices that benefit human health and the environment.
The wide-ranging partnership recognizes SC Johnson's long-standing commitment to formulate its products with more environmentally preferred ingredients. It also makes provisions for the company to further work with EPA chemists, environmental scientists and risk reduction staff in investigating materials that can further improve the health and environmental profiles of the company's products.
SC Johnson Chairman and CEO Fisk Johnson stated his enthusiasm for the partnership. "We are delighted to continue to partner with the EPA. Design for the Environment supports SC Johnson's commitment to put the environment and human health at the center of product development and formulation. Companies can and should continue to look closely at making investments that are about doing what's right for the business and the environment."
The DfE Program is one of EPA's premier partnership programs, working with individual companies and industry sectors to compare and improve the performance and human health and environmental risks and costs of existing and alternative products, processes and practices. DfE partnership projects promote continuous improvement, integrating more environmentally responsible solutions into everyday business practices.
The Memorandum of Understanding states, "SCJ and DfE are aligned in their ways of assessing and evaluating the potential health and environmental effects of consumer cleaning products, SCJ through its Greenlist process and DfE through its comparative ingredient assessments."
SC Johnson's Greenlist process ensures that the company's products contain materials that are the best available for the environment and consumers without compromising performance, aesthetics, or cost to consumers. The process goes beyond the normal risk assessments and regulatory requirements to evaluate each raw material in every SC Johnson product.