North Coast Green Spieler
The latest intel from around the triple W and from around your back yard. A collaborative news service where we actually admit that we filter and hand pick what we want you to read, from the concerned folks at Buckeye Sustainability Institute
NOTE: This News section may contain portions of copyrighted material. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, such attributed material is available without profit to people expressing an interest in this information for research.
Lower level greenish rehab project
analyze this!
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- Bottles
Eco-scam - a light read.
Amazon sustainability fail
I'd enjoy a seat at the table if you are asking customer's perspectives on this.
Blowing the dust off this blog! To get started on the ..
Filthy Ohio Polluters Pay 50K for killing 4,917 dead fish
Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Will Pay $50,000 for Ammonia Spill ($10.168 per fish)
In a settlement with Ohio EPA, the Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC) has agreed to pay $50,000 for last year’s spill of ammonia into Kyger Creek from OVEC’s Gallia County facility, located at 5758 State Route 7 near Cheshire in Addison Township.
On July 25, 2009, OVEC determined that it was necessary to drain ammonia solution from its ammonia-on-demand tank to its south fly ash pond. This activity was not reported to Ohio EPA. The tank draining continued for two days until OVEC noticed several dead fish in the pond and stopped the draining process.
The company did not notify Ohio EPA about the high concentration of ammonia discharged from the pond to Kyger Creek or the subsequent fish kill. An anonymous caller notified Ohio EPA of dead fish in the creek on July 27, 2009. Ohio EPA and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) investigated. ODNR found 4,917 dead fish, including large catfish, in the 1.5 miles between the OVEC pond’s discharge point and the Ohio River. Ohio EPA sampled the creek and confirmed that ammonia concentrations downstream of the pond were lethal to aquatic species.
As part of the settlement with OVEC, the company agreed to implement an approved plan for eliminating similar ammonia solution discharges to waters of the state. OVEC also agreed to pay $50,000 in civil penalties, $10,000 of which will go to Ohio EPA’s Clean Diesel School Bus Program Fund. The remaining $40,000 will go to the administration of surface water programs. OVEC has already paid $2,085 to ODNR for the cost of the dead fish and ODNR’s investigation.
Green Pressure Cookers ?!?
Eco-Tuesday Cleveland Rocks! Featuring Chris Clark from Sunflower Solutions

Chris's solution is the world first manually adjustable system of its kind. Radical simplicity that must be driving down the cost of P.V. installations in Africa while driving up efficiency of the panels by some 40% over a fixed installation (like on the roof your your next house). Not only that but have you ever tried to hunt for a spare servo in Haiti post quake?
His customers are NGOs operating in the 100-130 billion U.S.D. per year aid/ relief effort market targeting third world countries. Systems are going on line in Haiti to power hospitals as well. The system in Haiti has a 3 month payback period because the price of fuel is so high. His competition is the combustion powered generator market. Cheap but fuels is not cheap there, just like in other third world locales. His product has fewer moving parts compared with traditional solar tracking systems and generators alike. Far more akin to the solid state nature of P.V. today.

This video shows just how agile the system is and how easily it moves.
Kudos to Sudhir and the Eco-Tuesday Cleveland team for another job well done. I really enjoyed learning about Sunflower Solutions. Its nice to meet businesses hell bent on pushing the next industrial revolution. Looking forward to hearing about Tremont Electric at the next Eco-Tuesday
Disney - Environmentality - Storm Drain Labeling!
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (Marysville, OH) 24 PRODUCTS BUSTED BY USEPA!

SCOTTS of Ohio, a noted sustainability enthusiest, and that probably has as many BHAGS, as it does organic products, was BUSTED for bringing to market 20 illegle pesticides and ordered to cease and dissist all production. All major retailers nationwide have received STOP SALE ORDERS as well as a part of the legal action.
Maybe i'm off target but I find it funny (smelling) how they have organic products but manufacture pesticides. Seems oxymoronic, but then again with green wash so rampant these days perhaps its more like ying and yang. The two acts balancing each other out. Deceitful business practice emitting negitive energy credit generating type vibrations only to be offset in true cowboy market fashion with past, present, and future eco-chic and organic product launches from the conventional pesticide and fertilizer company.
Its almost like a chemical factory with a LEED certified warehouse. They are green, yea green green, champion green ;-)
Enough rant, here's the dish... from USEPA's new page on SCOTTS.
I'm betting you have heard of at least some of the recalled products. I found a bag in my garage.
Wind, Solar, Worms, Moebius Nature Center, BSI, and the Next Classroom Revolution

Buckeye Sustainability Institute has a venerable arsenal of arrows in its quiver in support of the battle for sustainability. We are strong proponents of the arms race of green technology. If is indeed the next industrial revolution, than BSI's gear represents one of the cache's that will help us win the battle.
For this gig I brought hands on eco_tec displays including:
- Classroom / residential single family sized worm bins (handles about a pound of food per week),
- Voltaic solar power cells (integrated into the courier bag at right)
- Two direct current (dc) generating micro wind turbines. The turbines are each equipped with a display unit which conveys power generated at various wind speeds by varying LED intensity /brightness and also has buzzers.
BSI's Research Vessel 'Optimum Power' - Sails To K.I.
The Vestas Murders
Seagulls fly over and around the sea. Do you believe that there are avian impacts (bird fatalities) associated with turbines? Do you think that those impacts vary based upon seasonal bird population in the given area? How about bats, do you think an Indiana Brown Bat could be killed by a wind turbine?
Beyond avian impacts, the visual pollution that results from the installation of wind turbines in a previously undeveloped marine wilderness area is another political hot potato. This facet of the impact has received a tremendous amount of press in recent times especially in the battles to stop turbine installation near Cape Cod.
Environmental / pollution type impacts are real as well. The installation of the engineering superstructure if you will necessary to support the turbine will require the use of significant anchoring and mooring systems. Our lake bottom is comprised primarily of ultra-fine clay particles forming a soupy silt on the bottom. These sediments are known to contain copious quantities of insidious pollutants like PCB's, and mercury. Whats worse, this fine silt clay lake bottom is comprised of such small particles that once they are disturbed or stirred up by say an anchor or pilings associated with the moorings necessary for a marine turbine install job.... we could be unleashing quite the toxic underwater cloud. Next they will tell us that our drinking water intake a few miles away is safe from all of this because your water will "meet the usepa standards'. 0 ppm is safe in my book, and in my glass of koolaid that I am making to feed my kids. We'll save fructose for another time.

Japan Recommends Solar Output Increase 55 Times by 2030!
Ministry Recommends that Solar Power Output to Rise 55 Times by 2030
The Japanese Ministry of the Environment (MOE) "Study Group Focused
on Measures to Expand the Use of Renewable Energy towards Building a Low
Carbon Society" reported its recommendations about how to expand the use
of renewable energy to the Global Environment Committee of the Central
Environment Council on February 10, 2009. In particular, the study group
members suggest specific policies to spread the use of solar power
generation significantly in order to regain the global top spot.
Exclusive Eco BUST! MELT LAKEWOOD POLLUTES in fuzzy 12 Megapixel hirez

Now, what does MELT have to say about this?
What does the USEPA and Ohio EPA have to say about this?
What do you have to say about this?
Japan Cuts TV TV Shows To Save The Globe!
Shortened TV Broadcast in Japan Contributes to Cutting CO2 Emissions
As a special one-day environmental event, Japan's public broadcaster,
Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), shortened the airtime of its
educational TV channel on December 29, 2008, to reduce its carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions and save electricity.
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