The latest intel from around the triple W and from around your back yard. A collaborative news service where we actually admit that we filter and hand pick what we want you to read, from the concerned folks at Buckeye Sustainability Institute
NOTE: This News section may contain portions of copyrighted material. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, such attributed material is available without profit to people expressing an interest in this information for research.
Brown City Dead Lake Volume 1
Sims Park in Euclid, Ohio is home to a pier that is designed to camouflage a sewer outfall. On this day my daughter and I find it to be billowing out water visibly laden with sediment. My daughter knows this is our communities source of drinking water.
A near by dead fish is an ominous sign, and the source of her first question. She asks "are there still some of those fish around". I tell her "The sheephead, yes, its not extinct, if thats what you mean". Only I have not the heart to tell her about the unknown disease wiping them out in our lakes western basin.
Her next observation is "its a good think Lake Erie does not have this", referring to the pollution before her 4 year old eyes. The only problem of course is that this is our great Lake Erie we are looking at. =-(
2007 Cleveland Home and Garden Show - Green in more ways than one?

Max Hays High Science Fair - Jan 31, 2007 Cleveland, Ohio

This past week I had the opportunity to judge a science fair at Max Hayes High School.
Other judges were present from NASA, Swagelok, and a variety of other locations. Quite the learning experience. Entries were from 9-12 graders.

Global warming I must say was getting more attention from the 10th graders than the Executive Branch of our legislature!

Hypothesis: Garbage is overfilling our landfills!
Root Cause: It is not going away fast enough
I heart the logic train on this one! ALL ABOARD!

Who needs mulitmillion dollar turbines as drivers of economic development when you can make them out of styrofoam cups, and McDonalds straws. This cat's project talked of how he stayed up all night counting the rotations to see if wind really does blow harder in the later hours.
Hell you should have seen all the "green" homes built out of Dow foam products at the Home Show!

This entry involved taking an aquarium of water and heating it up. yeah! Along the lines of our current administrations
'cutting edge' climate research!

Ahhh the timeless mantra:
I was hoping to see this here.

You dont need any notes on these... its just a reflection of what is in the hearts and minds of 9-12th graders in our city.
What is the effect of acid rain?
What local businesses cause most of it?
What local businesses externalize those costs?
What local businesses are losing ground?

Great Lakes Bioneers Cleveland - Planning Retreat a Success!

Great Lakes Bioneers Cleveland recently received approval to host a beaming site. CSU will host the event via live satellite uplink from the primary conference site in San Raphael, CA. More soon..